
USB Mapper New Batch 2020!!!

As the name suggests, the USB MAPPER 512K is a USB interface (MASS STORAGE)
+ 512K Memory Mapper.
Now with USB MAPPER, you can use a USB stick to store / run your programs on MSX.

1) Compatible with MSX1, MSX2, MSX2 + and TR
2) 512K Memory Mapper
3) Uses Nextor (Operating System)
4) Native Fat 16 with partition up to 4GB
5) Hot Swap
Hot Swap Examples:
Ex1: With the USB MAPPER connected, we can remove the USB Stick that in use, connect to the PC, record one or several files and then return it to USB MAPPER and continue using the USB stick normally in MSX. Ex2: With USB MAPPER plugged in, we can exchange a USB stick for another FAT16 USB stick thar it will be accessing normally as the previous. Price U$ 80.00 + U$ 38,00 Shipping
Worldwide Sales.
You can buy the first unit plus shipping, and we can send up to tree units with the
same Shippiment.
Paypal fees 7.0 %


Vendas para o Brasil:
Pode ser pago através de:
Transferência bancária (ITAU)
QR CODE (Cartão de Crédito)
Paypal Interessados favor enviar um e-mail para 
Tecnobytesbrasil@gmail.com para cálculo de frete. Conta Tecnobytes para depósito: Banco Itaú AG 8735 CC 16870-3 CPF 717.719.057-00 Ricardo de Pontes Oazem

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